The 10th ICIAM in TOKYO in August 20-25, 2023
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) and the Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ) are very happy that our bid for ICIAM 2023 was chosen and would like to express our deep gratitude to those who kindly favored our proposal. We, the two societies, are now preparing the way for the 10th ICIAM to be held in Tokyo, Japan, in August 20-25 in 2023. We understand well that ICIAM would not be awarded on us without strong support from industry, academia and the Japanese government, in addition to the kind assistance from the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB). We plan to attract the largest number (in the history of ICIAM) of mini-symposia of high-quality, dedicated to mathematical problems in science, engineering and industry. ICIAM 2023 will showcase the enhanced collaboration between mathematics and the industry.
Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world, but it is immune from many defects of megacities. Its cleanliness and safety are well-known and it is full of attractions, historic and modern. Tokyo is home to many anime-related attractions. It is also a gourmet city. The congress period might not be ideal but the congress will be held in one of the festival seasons in Japan. You have a good chance to see a local festival and fireworks during your visit.
Waseda University, the planned venue, was established in 1882 and is considered to be one of the best universities in Japan. It has experience of hosting various international congresses on scales involving many thousands of participants. The president of Waseda University guaranteed that its modern facilities and conference equipment will be used for ICIAM without fee. This offer will be reflected on the registration fee.
JSIAM and MSJ will deliver a successful and unforgettable 10th ICIAM in Tokyo in 2023. We look forward to welcoming you.